The Medical Practice- Index +92 (322) 8046921 Office,165-A, Ali Block, Garden Town, Lahore 54600, Pakistan

Corporate Vaccination

Use of Qualified Medical Professionals for Vaccination at Corporate Level

Mass vaccinations at corporate level are routinely performed with no individual record, printed report or any valid document showing date on which vaccination was done. All vaccines give protection for a certain time period and it is important to have individual records so dates can be ascertained. It is also important to have individual record if complications occur.


Vaccination, like any other medicine, has its risks & is still far from being an invariably safe procedure. It causes severe and even fatal reactions in a small but appreciable number of people. Data from U.S. medical records reports an average of seven deaths reported annually since 1950. Immediate complications like anaphylactic reactions, especially in those allergic to eggs and delayed complications like Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) can complicate flu vaccine.

Vaccines therefore should always be given by trained medical practitioners with proper knowledge of vaccines and in settings where resuscitative measures are available.


The legal issues arising out of a vaccination attempt done without the supervision of the doctor can cost the company tremendously both in terms of money and reputation. While presence of a doctor in no way ensures safe outcomes, it ensures that proper measures are taken and documented immediately and that a prior documented history and informed and understood consent of the patient are present. These things can never be ensured by a vaccinator nor can he or she adequately respond to signs and symptoms of a reaction.



Our doctors are not only trained in vaccination but also certified in Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) from the American Heart Association.


The above commentary shows you enough valid points to prove that the expense your company will incur by hiring our services will provide much more in terms of quality than a simple injection to your employees. Quality may seem expensive at first but always provides more benefit in the long run.