The Medical Practice is an organization which provides medical, laboratory and vaccination fascilities for corporate clients. We also arrange moible teams for conducting medical examinations, lab tests and vaccinations in the peripheral or factory area.
The madical screening programme includes medical examination by a trained doctor and a few tests..
This progamme is designed in a way that along with general medical checkup it enables us to diagnose four major tranmittabe diseases. The diseases are Tuberculosis, Typhoid fever, Hepatitis-B and Hepatitis-C.
These diseases have a high prevealance rate in Pakistan. The tests also cover ordinary problems like infections, ,malarial parasites, anaemias, intestinal worms or blood in stool etc.
At the end of examination all the written or printed reports along with the statistical report will be submitted. The statistical report shows the incidence of disease in a community or a certain group of people. The medical sceening programme can be modified according to your requirments.