The Medical Practice is a company owned and run by Dr. Aisha Sheikh. An MBBS doctor from King Edward Medical College. Dr. Aisha has years of experience practicing Clinical Medicine,Chemical Pathology, Immunology and Allergy & Asthma.
Dr. Aisha is among the pioneers of a vaccination centre for adult vaccination in Lahore and established her first vaccination set up at Masood Hospital, Lahore in 1997. She established and ran this set up for eleven years while she was director of Diagnostics &Dialysis there. During this period she also ran the set up for vaccination of American Embassy candidates for immigration and medical/ study visas and provided services to the American Embassy from 2000 to 2007.
In 2008 Dr. Aisha established her own medical practice as a general physician and vaccinologist. In the last four years, The Medical Practice has been able to attract much of the Hajj and Ummrah companies for compulsory and optional vaccination of prospective Hajjis. The practice has also been playing an active role in promoting awareness about adult protection against disease through vaccination. As a result the practice has been able to attract several corporate to have their employees vaccinated against various diseases.
The practice has been able to attract a large number of independent individuals intending to travel abroad, especially students travelling through the Fulbright Scholarship Program and those travelling to America, Canada and Europe requiring vaccination from their Universities.
The Medical Practice is also a pioneer in promoting the idea of onsite medical examinations. This idea sprouted from the fact that a lot of valuable work hours are wasted in commuting to, waiting for and getting a medical interview,tests and vaccines when going to static health facilities. This is especially true when a corporate has multiple sites in suburban and or remote areas. The Medical Practice started providing the opportunity where the health provider goes to the healthcare seeker. Through this idea, the practice has been able to provide Nestle Pakistan’s Milk Collection a Pakistan wide coverage for general medical exams, laboratory tests and protective vaccines. Nestle was a start and now we are also covering Pepsi and Coke and rapidly expanding to cover various corporate in their area of work.
In 2011, The Medical Practice extended these services to Afghanistan. Nestle Afghanistan was the first company over there. This year we are anticipating Coke, Pepsi and General Electric Afghanistan too.
The Medical Practice also has a corporate health education faculty which offers training in various occupational health areas. Designing trainings for supervisors to monitor health of food handling staff, protection against Hepatitis B & C, Tuberculosis, Dengue are various topics covered in our corporate trainings.
Apart from corporate facilities, the practice also tends to individuals for their general ailments but especially to Allergy, Asthma and weight reduction cases.